VA Research Week gives VA Medical Centers and their affiliated Non-Profit Corporations an opportunity to showcase the numerous achievements of VA researchers and the role they play in providing high quality care for Veterans and advancing medical science. Creative displays, staff interactions, and informative seminars help educate Veterans, our elected representatives, and others about VA research and its impact on treating and preventing disease and disability, not only for Veterans, but all Americans.
Join us as we celebrate 93 years of research excellence.
Monday, May 14 Promote Awareness
Location: Audit L. Murphy VA Hospital, Front Lobby
When: 8am – 10am & 1pm – 3pm
What: Learn more about research activities and opportunities at your VA
Tuesday, May 15 Research Presentation
Location: San Antonio VFW Post 76, 10 10th Street, San Antonio, TX 78215
When: 5pm – 6pm
What: Learn about ongoing PTSD research from one of our investigators, Dr. Alan Peterson, and from some of the veterans participants
Thursday, May 17 Patient Recruitment
Location: Audit L. Murphy VA Hospital, Recreation Center / B101
When: 8am – 3pm
What: Learn more about specific research projects and how you can participate. Snacks and beverages will be provided.